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There is an interesting review in The Economist of Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion. The piece explains how Collier argues

[A]id from the guilt-ridden West is not the answer, or at least not the main answer, and certainly not aid as it has so often been disbursed. For sure, aid has not been useless. “A reasonable estimate is that over the past thirty years [aid] has added one percentage point to the annual growth rate of the bottom billion,” he writes. “Aid has been a holding operation preventing things from falling apart.”

Also in the news, Habele’s announcement of it’s 2007-08 scholarships has been reported by the Saipan Tribune and Pacific Magizne as well as Olekoi.com and PalmettoScoop.com.

Australia appoints a new Ambassador to Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshalls.

Governor Anefal visits Yap Outer Islands.

Chuuk State in Micronesia continues to struggle with drought.

Though our scholarship checks are still enroute to Bethania High School in Palau, Habele volunteers continue assembling book and material donations for our public school support programs. Visit Habele.org to learn about how you can help.